Legal Council - Ministry of Economy and Finance Apps

Legal Lexicon MEF 1.1
This application provides us a great tool for accessing the LegalLexicon for Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia which ispublished as book in September 2015. The legal terms are organizedby Khmer alphabetical order with its single or multiple sectors,legal definitions and references which provide ease for user tofind the source of the keyword. Importantly, with this application,it facilitates user in searching keywords with possible link toother keywords and also references that we can consult immediatelythe sources which can be laws and regulations. At the same time ofsearching, for later use, the application records as well the listof keywords that user used to search. More advanced than this, useralso can search keywords by sectors such as taxation, stateproperty, public finance, ... etc. For viewing detail explanationof keywords, the explanation consists of keyword that user iswilling to view, its sector and its definitions. This explanationfont size can be increased or decreased for ease of use. Also wecan view the next and previous keyword by scroll left or right orwith the bottom left and right buttons. In addition, there is auseful tutorial for helping user to know how to use thisapplication which will tell us all about its features.
Legal Library of MEF 2.2.8
It will provides all compendiums and achievements of LC MEF
Khmer Justice Heritage 1.0.4
Khmer Justice Heritage (Héritage de la Justice Khmère)
Legal Lexicon MEF 2021 1.0.5
Legal Lexicon for Ministry of Economy and Finance 2021
A CAMBODIAN HISTORY - the 4 lives of the amazing Mr. Keat Chhon
Khmer ASR - Legal Council MEF 1.0.2
កម្មវិធីបំប្លែងសំឡេងនិយាយភាសាខ្មែរទៅជាអត្ថបទសរសេរ (Khmer - LC ASR)
Lexicon GDB 1.0.6
The Legal Lexicon of General Department of Budget for MEF